Dead Sea Landscape Tourism Masterplan
Promoting environmental and health tourism
Besides the building of several new hotels, a business center, and respective transportation infrastructures, the masterplan promotes the protection of the sensitive Wadi Rom and Wadi Zohar delta including a buffer zone towards the new building sites. A shaded promenade and bicycle lane along the southern Dead Sea shore all the way from the northern entrance of Ein Bokek over Hamey Zohar hotel complex to kibbutz Neve Zohar in the South will connect the residential as well as the commercial areas with the public beaches and health facilities at the Dead Sea.
Architect: Moshe Safdie, Toronto // Miron Cohen, Jerusalem
Project management: Amos Brandeis Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning Ltd.
Employer: Braudo - Maoz Landscape Architecture Ltd., Tel Aviv
in collaboration with Shlomo Aronson Landscape Architects & Architects
The existing beaches of the project area in Ein Bokek and Hamey Zohar are currently under renovation. The building of the new structures is estimated to start in 2017.
Responsibilities: Masterplan plan design incl. new grading and new shore outline, a pedestrian promenade in changing width, with special emphasis on accessibility and the harsh climate conditions in the Dead Sea area

Promenade Design
