Green interior design
Final oral presentation for Engineer‘s Degree in Landscape planning on 26/09/2007, in German
Academic examining board: Prof. Dr. Diedrich Bruns, Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Doris Gstach, Prof. Dr. Lutz Katzschner | University of Kassel, Germany
Exam fields: L 2.6 Functions and performance of urban vegetation, K 2.1 Technical-ecological systems
1. Introduction Green interior design
2. Positive relations between people and plants
2.1 Historic overview Orangeries, conservatories and winter gardens
2.2 Effects of plants on people and space
3. Planning principles
3.1 Requirements of building technology and location
3.2 Plant selection according to origin and use
3.3 Design by means of shapes and materials
4. Case study: City library Herten
5. Outlook Green indoors of tomorrow
6. Conclusion Landscape profession in future
COOPER, PAUL: Grüne Räume – Gartenarchitektur für den Innenraum. (Green indoors – Interior garden architecture) Munich: Callwey Verlag, 2003.
SCHEMPP, Dieter et al.: Mensch, Raum und Pflanze. (People, space and plants) Braunschweig: Thalacker-Medien, 1997.
VETH, Renate [Ed.]: Handbuch Innenraumbegrünung. (Handbook Green interior design) First edition. Braunschweig: Thalacker Medien, 1998.
VOLM, Christine: Innenraumbegrünung in Theorie und Praxis. (Green interio design in theory and practice) Stuttgart (Hohenheim): Ulmer, 2002.