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submissions to edX online courses


These various contributions have been submitted for compulsory and optional assignments in the previously mentioned edX courses that I have been attending since winter 2016. Please click on the images to reveal the PDF. 

Reading the Landscape

Reading the Landscape

Submission about the SF northern coast for assignment 3 in the "Dutch Urbanism" course at TU Delft

Urban Metabolism

Urban Metabolism

Submission about flood prevention measures in Mission Creek for assignment 4 in the "Dutch Urbanism" course at TU Delft

Models in Architecture

Models in Architecture

Online portfolio of a California dream house for the "Models in Architecture" course at TU Delft

Resilient San Francisco

Resilient San Francisco

Research submission about urban resilience strategies for assignment 2 - Urban Resilience in the "Rethink the City" course at TU Delft

Housing Crisis

Housing Crisis

Research submission about the housing crisis in SF for the final assignment in the "Rethink the City" course at TU Delft

Ecological Design Principles

Ecological Design Principles

Submission for assignment 2 in the "Building with Nature" course at TU Delft

Urban Transformation

Urban Transformation

Submission about the Lower Polk neighborhood for assignment 7 in the "Dutch Urbanism" course at TU Delft

Spatial Justice - Gentrifiction

Spatial Justice - Gentrifiction

Photo submission about the social protest on Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv in 2011 for assignment 3 - Spatial Justice in the "Rethink the City" course at TU Delft

Citizen Design Science

Citizen Design Science

Participatory data collection of local temperature and noise for exercise 3 in the "Smart Cities" course at ETH Zurich

Global construction materials

Global construction materials

Photo submission of a Bamboo Bridge by Jorg Stamm and Castro Rojas in Colombia for task 1 in the "Future Cities" course at ETH Zurich

Coastal protection

Coastal protection

Submission for assignment 4 in the "Building with Nature" course at TU Delft

Spatial Justice - Immigrants

Spatial Justice - Immigrants

Photo submission about murals in the SF Mission District for assignment 2 - Spatial Justice in the "Rethink the City" course at TU Delft

Urban Affordable Housing

Urban Affordable Housing

Research submission about San Francisco for assignment 2 - Housing Provision and Management in the "Rethink the City" course at TU Delft

The Fair City

The Fair City

Submission about the SF Civic Center Commons for assignment 5 in the "Dutch Urbanism" course at TU Delft

Local Affordable Housing

Local Affordable Housing

Research submission about my neighborhood for assignment 3 - Housing Provision and Management in the "Rethink the City" course at TU Delft

Energy and Livability

Energy and Livability

Research submission of the USA Sankey Diagram for exercise 3 in the "Livable Future Cities" course at ETH Zurich

The Public Good

The Public Good

Submission on Dolores Park for assignment 2 in the "Dutch Urbanis" course at TU Delft

Modelling in urbanism

Modelling in urbanism

Submission of a shadow model for assignment 6 in the "Dutch Urbanism" course at TU Delft

Urban Challenges

Urban Challenges

Photo submission about social inequity for assignment 1 in the "Rethink the City" course at TU Delft

Engineering Design Principles

Engineering Design Principles

Submission for assignment 3 in the "Building with Nature" course at TU Delft



Mapping submission on personal daily urban mobility for exercise 5 in the "Livable Future Cities" course at ETH Zurich

Making the invisible-visible

Making the invisible-visible

Photo submission on traffic congestion for exercise 1 in the "Future Cities" course at ETH Zurich

Mental Mapping

Mental Mapping

Submission on the city map of San Francisco for assignment 1 in the "Dutch Urbanism course at TU Delft

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